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Tuition & Fees

Tuition and fees are billed on a semester basis and are due before the first day of the semester. Students may not attend classes after the first week until tuition and fees are paid.

All payments must be made in US dollars and may be paid by bank transfer. Payment by major credit card or on-line is possible in consultation with our administration. Tuition and fees are subject to change by semester.

Students with an outstanding balance are not eligible to register for the next semester without first clearing their outstanding balance to the satisfaction of the University.

In case payment is not received by the end of the first week of classes, a late fee of US$100 will be applied to the student’s account and must be paid, along with any other outstanding fees prior to re-admission to class.

If payment is not received by the end of the first week of classes and the student is not able to demonstrate ability to pay, the University has the right to cancel the student’s registration.

First semester students from certain jurisdictions are subject to more stringent immigration and financial requirements. In such cases, the student must demonstrate sufficient financial capacity to cover tuition, fees and living expenses. For these students’ payment must be made by bank transfer prior to arrival on the island of Curacao or at Paramaribo, Suriname. More information can be obtained from the Admissions office or on the University website at

Students that begin the Clinical Sciences Program must make payment of tuition and fees at least 14 days prior to the commencement of the clinical rotation. Students in clinical sciences will be billed for an entire semester (12 weeks).

Students waiting for the delivery of their student loans during subsequent semesters may provisionally register for classes. Responsibility for payment of tuition and all other University charges is solely that of the student. Bills are mailed to the student at the address on file approximately one month prior to the due date. Should a student not receive a bill, it is his or her responsibility to contact the Financial Aid Office to inquire about their billing.

Payment Instructions

Wire transfers can be made to the University’s bank accounts as follows:

ADDRESS Rooi Katootje, Willemstad, Curacao Willemstad, Curacao
ADDRESS Neptunusweg 16, Willemstad, Curacao
ACCOUNT NO. 800 0001 0009 18538

Please mention with the transfer your name and the reason for the transfer in order to correctly administrate your payment.

Current Tuition and Fees

The following are the currently applicable tuition and fees of SAIU. All amounts are in US Dollars:

Credits # Sem Tuition/Sem Tuition/program
Tuition for BSc. Medical Studies 120 6 $ 3,900 $ 23,400
Tuition for Pre-Medical Program 96 5 $ 3,900 $ 19,500
Tuition/credit hr (11 credits or less) 1 $250
Tuition for MSc. Hyperbaric Medicine 60 4 $ 2,125 $ 8,500
Tuition for Diploma Hyperbaric Medicine 60 4 $ 1,750 $ 7,000
Tuition per semester for BSn. Nursing 60 4 $ 2,250 $ 9,000
# Sem Tuition/Sem Tuition/program
Tuition Basic Sciences 5 $ 4,900 $ 24,500
Tuition Clinical Sciences – Track I (*) 6 $ 6,900 $ 41,400
Tuition Clinical Sciences – track II (**) 6 $ 10,900 $ 65,400
Tuition USMLE review course 8 wk $ 2,200
Tuition for 11 credits or less (basic Sciences) $ 350
Credits # Sem Tuition/Sem Tuition/program
Tuition MPH 60 3 $ 9,500 $ 28,500
Tuition MBA 60 3 $ 9,500 $ 28,500
Tuition for 11 credits or less (per credit hour) $ 475
Fees and Expenses
Application Fee $ 100
Immigration processing Fee $ 500
Student Government (on campus) $ 40
Student Government (clinical) $40
Graduation Fee $200
Transcript Request*** $ 25
Letter of Reference*** $ 25
Health Insurance (on campus) $ 360/yr
Health Insurance (clinical track I) $ 360/yr
Health Insurance (clinical track II) $1,360/yr
On campus fees (*) $ 450/yr
* Fees include the following:
Administrative Fee $ 100
Lab Fee $ 250
Technology and Internet $ 100

** Part of first semester tuition; non-refundable.

*** First three are free, thereafter charges apply

Seat Reservation Deposit

Due to limited class capacity, SAIU charges new students a seat reservation deposit of $ 250 to hold a seat in the Basic Sciences class. As this deposit is applied to the tuition of the first semester, the student is reimbursed once classes start.

Medical Insurance

It is obligatory that all students that are on campus are covered by an acceptable and valid health insurance. It is South American International University’s policy to include the cost of health insurance as part of the fees every semester. Local students (residents of Curacao with Dutch nationality or Suriname with Surinamese nationality) are exempted from this charge during the Basic Sciences semesters, as they are covered by the national health plan. In certain cases, international students may be exempted from paying for medical insurance if the student is able to provide valid proof that his or her health insurance coverage extends to the current circumstances.

Other Costs

In addition to tuition and fees, students should plan for other financial obligations involved when attending SAIU, such as books, housing and utilities, transportation, food, and entertainment.

Discharge Policy

A student who withdraws or takes an unapproved Leave of Absence, fails to return from an approved Leave of Absence, is dismissed.

Tuition Refund

If a student decides to withdraw from the University, they must submit their intent in writing to the Dean of their program. The date on which the letter is received by the Office of the Dean will be the student's official date of withdrawal, so students are encouraged to deliver the letter by the most expedient means. The refund schedule is as follows:

One week or less of attendance in a semester` : 90%

Up to and including two weeks of attendance : 80%

Up to and including three weeks of attendance : 60%

Up to and including four weeks of attendance : 40%

After four weeks of attendance : 0%

Return of Financial Aid

A similar pro-rata schedule is used to determine the amount of financial aid funds to be refunded at the time of withdrawal.

Fees Refund

The University does not refund any fees.

Room and Board

Room and board are available on a first come first served basis. First semester students are given a priority as they are new on campus.

Cost of Living

For cost of living an estimated amount which can be used for budget calculations :

Room and board : US$ 850/month

Other living expenses : US$ 100/month

These figures are estimates only.

These may differ depending on the individual student. In addition, the figures may differ during clinical rotations which may be done on track II.

Track I and Track II

Clinical rotations are offered at various locations. The cost of the rotations depend on the location. These locations are categorized as follows:

Track I - Clinical Medicine in Suriname/Curacao/Caribbean/Asia

Track II - Clinical Medicine in North America/Europe

Local students

Residents of Curacao or Suriname are eligible for our in-state tuition rates. These rates are available upon request.



(TRACK I = Clinical Medicine in the Caribbean/South Africa/Asia)

Pre-Medical Sciences Basic Sciences Clinical Medicine Total COA
Track I (*) Track I (*)
Number of Semesters 5 x 16 weeks 5 x 16 weeks 6 x 12 weeks
1 academic year 2 academic year 2 academic year 5 academic year
Full time Tuition (per Semester) $3,900 $4,900 $6,900
Program Tuition $19,500 $24,500 $41,400 $85,400
Room & Board (R&B) $850/mo $850/mo $850/mo (**)
Other Living Expenses $100/mo $100/mo $100/mo (**)
Health Insurance $360/year $360/year $360/year
Malpractice Insurance
Living exp per sem (*) $3,920 $3,920 $2,940
Living exp program $19,600 $19,600 $17,640 $56,840
Application Fee $100
Immigration Fee $500
Student Government $40 $40
Seat Reservation (Deposit only) $100
Graduation Fee $200
Total other Fees $640 $240 $880
Text Books $750 $1,250
Laptop $750
Travel Expenses $1,000 $1,000
Other $1,000
Total Other Expenses $1,750 $3,000 $1,000 $5,750
Total Cost of Attendance (COA) $148,870 (5.5 years)
(TRACK II = Clinical Medicine in North America/Europe)
Total Additional $42,000 $42,000
Total Cost of Attendance TRACK II $190,870

(*) Track I - Clinical Medicine in Suriname/Caribbean/Asia

(+) Track II - Clinical Medicine in North America/Europe

(**) Living Expenses can vary depending on location

(++) Malpractice Insurance is required for Track II