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Basic Sciences Program

At SAISOM we believe that a solid foundation is essential. This foundation is laid in the Basic Sciences Program. Students are required to complete at least 140 credit hours of course work in five (5) semesters of 16 weeks. These semesters are numbered MD-1 through MD-5. This program is substantially more rigorous than other Caribbean programs because it integrates many European aspects of clinical exposure early in the program.

The Basic Sciences Program courses are presented lecture format combined with laboratory exposure to allow for visual reinforcement and development of analytical skills.

Because SAISOM requires students to pass the USMLE step 1 before proceeding with the Clinical Sciences Program, the strong preparation provided by Basic Sciences enforces the student’s chance of success and level of confidence.

If a course is cancelled or not offered in any particular semester, an appropriate course will be offered in substitution. Any cancelled course will be offered no later than the next academic year to insure continuity.

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