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Counseling Services

Adjustment to University life in a new country can present an enormous challenge to some students. Even if a student is more at home with the new setting, transition to the University lifestyle involves many changes. The Student Counseling Services provides free-of-charge services and programs to assist and meet the needs of the students. These services are provided to students of the South American International University by qualified, experienced counseling personnel with backgrounds in psychology, counseling or psychiatry.

Counselors work under professional codes of confidentiality.

Some of the most critical stress factors for students can be:

  • Moving to a new environment away from home
  • Adjustment to University life
  • The pressure of studies in a new environment.
  • Attempting to concentrate on studies when there is bad news from home.
  • A period of considerable uncertainty as USMLE I and clinical placements loom, followed by transition from basic sciences to clerkships.
  • Clerkships, adjustment to hospital life, and the new environment.

South American International University is aware of these particular stressful transitions; counseling is provided free-of-charge to users. There is no limit on usage of service and any student who feels the need for assistance is encouraged to make contact with the counseling professionals. Seeking help is seen as a sign of good mental health. For more information contact the office of the Dean.